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Drug Dictionary for Dentistry


Editors: J.G. Meechan, R.A. Seymour
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA, 2002

This indispensable handbook offers quick and convenient access to essential information on the wide range of drugs a dentist may use or prescribe in their practice, indicating their use, dosage, and possible interactions with other drugs that the patient may be receiving.
Medical contraindications, the importance of the underlying disease for which the drug is prescribed and its effect on dental management are explained. Drugs taken by out-patients which may be encountered in general dental practice and interactions with drugs contained in the Dental Practitioner's Formulary have been included. This essential handbook provides a quick reference for dental practitioners and students enabling them to assess the importance of drugs their patient may be receiving in relationship to dental management.

Download: Drug Dictionary for Dentistry (.pdf - 852.45 Kb)

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